Sunday, May 10, 2009


I need to write, A LOT. I have A LOT of things on my to-do list. although, i have A LITTLE will to do any of it. Most of us here are feeling the same--we're just DONE with school...except for the fact that we're not. Papers and presentations and homework abound, while willpower is nowhere to be found. Le sigh. 

Last week, GO!
Sunday...normal day from what i can remember. 
Monday...field trip to the "lower aqueduct". We walked through a mountain, actually really close to where my cousins live in Talpiot. it was pretty cool. Refer back to my friend Ira's blog (he's the one i linked to for the JESNA field trip) for the history and stuff...he takes notes. I don't. lol. 
Tuesday...Went to the Old City to order my Hadaya bracelet! I picked it up today...It says, "Lech Acharei Ha-Lev, Gam Im Zeh Koev", which means, "Follow (lit: go after) the heart , even if it hurts". It has extremely personal meaning for me, in regards mainly to the relationships I have had and especially the one I am in right now. It reflects a lot of what I feel about my trip here. On the inside it says "Jerusalem 2009"...Now i'll have something from this place with me always. I love it. When i got back, I studied because...
Wednesday. Two quizzes. Hebrew first, which I know I did well on, because when I went to gather my stuff at the end she was looking at it and as i left she told me "tov me'od", very good. Archaology next, which i think i may have passed. we shall see. dunno how she expects us to know anything, since we hadn't had class since march--just field trips. *sigh* 
Thursday...ALL DAY FIELD TRIP. Got up at 5am. Got to the meeting place on time, only to find that they'd sent us a too-small bus, and we had to wait half an hour for a bigger one. then it was off we went...we went to six historical sites, two churches, four temples. Looked mainly at mosaic floors, although some carvings as well. It was a LONG day, and very reminiscent of Birthright--stop in one place for a talk, then back on the bus and half an hour to another...dozing on each bus ride, groggily pretending to listen to our guide explain things in her heavy Chicago accent (listening to her speak hebrew was a real treat, i tell ya). Lots of pictures...someday i'll be caught up with all my pictures online. probably when i get home. sorry. 
Friday...Headed to Ben Yehuda with some of my friends. Splurged on hot chocolate with sabra at this famous chocolate shop. went to the shuk and got socks :-) Then headed home, and packed up...and then i was off to Tel Aviv! I got there around 4, i think...rode a TA bus to adrienne, went to her apt, dropped my stuff and changed into my bathing suit top and packed a bag for the beach...went to the beach and sat in the waning sunlight and watched the waves, got some food (i had my first falafel of this trip...shameful, i know, but oh well. it was yummy!), read books, chatted. i love my adrienne. then we went back to her place...and my friend uriel texted me! he was in TA also, and the people he was staying with were all off on a trip with their program for the night. We met up with him at what he would say is a normal dinner time, 9:30pm. He's Argentinian. It explains a lot :-P. We got a cab to Yaffo, the old city that is right next to TA. Wandered around in search of food. Got the worst shwarma i've ever had. :-( bought my bro and Meryl a house-warming gift from a nice street vendor. Walked a hell of a long way to this gay bar adrienne swears by. it was AWESOME. and we had cake. not as good as Goldy's, in Jlem, although Adrienne said it was. still good! Um. Walked Uriel home. Went home ourselves, and adrienne conked out while i was talking to kimo online. Went to bed. 
I woke up probably around 11, read in bed (her bed is HEAVENLY) until A decided to rouse herself...had some special K for "breakfast", then headed out to meet Uriel again, this time with a friend of his, Sharon. Walked all the way down the beach to was reeeeally crowded but gorgeous. lots of babies. um. yea. got a croissant at a famous bakery, then we headed off into the city. stopped at these two houses that were having open houses, why i'm not really sure, but whatever. then Sharon headed off, and me and A showed Uriel Rabin Square, which he'd wanted to see. then we went back to "his" apartment, hung out there for a while, then headed to dinner, which again was disappointing. Grar. Eventually headed back to adrienne's, then i got on another bus to their central bus station, and made it by the skin of my teeth onto a bus to Jlem. at our CBS i got a taxi with some random other people who were also going to Mt Scopus; it was 11:30, cold, and i was exhausted, and if you share a taxi it's really worth it--only 10 shek each. and one of the guys i shared with was italian. he seemed really cool.  Got home and crashed after calling Adrienne to let her know i was back and Kimo to say goodnight. didn't even turn on my computer!
Today, had class and internship, then walked the 20ish minutes from the YMCA to the place to pick up my bracelet. when i finally got back to my normal bus stop, apparently my bus must have just come because i had to wait half an hour in the cold wind before the 30 showed up. i was pissed. roar. got back to reznik, went straight to the store for food, back to the room, computered, showered (FINALLY), talked to my mommy (happy mother's day!), and yeah. that's all pretty much. did a lot of hebrew hw tonight, though i think i may have to do a lot more this week--i think i have my oral presentation either tues or weds :-( i'm going to talk about the kibbutz where i went for that shabbaton weekend in march. tis all i can think of. 
Tomorrow should be a normal day, then tuesday my little cousin (really a second cousin once removed i think...something like that--his grandma and my mom are first cousins) is getting his hair cut for the first time. in the orthodox tradition, boys don't get their hair cut until they are three, and there's a little ceremony for it. it should be fun. i cant wait to see the kids again, and to finally introduce emily to my family!

that's all, folks. 

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