Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ready for my second weekend this week...

Hokay. So. On Yom HaZikaron, we got up early and were outside at the bus stop when the 11am siren went off. I wish we'd gotten on the 4-A so that we would have been on a bus when it did! Because in my area, there are a lot of Arabs and apparently other non-observers, so in my video (which hopefully will work for you--outside link is there are a lot of cars still driving by. But to the "left" you can see across the street, people at Aroma (the cafe) were standing, a bus was stopped, and on my side of the street there were a bunch of people standing proudly outside the hospital. Down to the "right", if you could see what I saw, there was a taxi stopped on its way up the hill. After it was the siren, which almost brought me to tears, the bus started up and went on its way with a screech, and our bus soon showed up. 
Em, Sarah and I headed downtown, we wanted breakfast and needed a pharmacy stop on Ben Yehuda. Got bagels and some gelato, then did the pharmacy thing, em had to buy some wine, then we headed to the shuk. Sarah didn't really need anything there, so she headed home and Em and I kept going. Our main stop was Marzipan, which is THE place in Israel to get rugelach. they are OUT OF THIS WORLD. We were planning a picnic for weds night (last night) and i'd promised some of this...$8 for a kilo, it's totally worth it. We walked through the shuk a little bit, because I'd promised Kimo i'd take pictures of the gummy-sellers so he could choose what he wanted me to bring home for him :-) Then em had a headache, so we headed home. 
We chilled out and watched Queer as Folk for the rest of the afternoon, then Em had to get ready to go over and cut this guy's hair, so she did that...I had dinner...then me and Sarah decided that we wanted to try and see the fireworks and meet up with Tammy, who was in town already. And here starts the fun! We went outside at around 9:10, and waited at the bus stop, hoping that the busses were still working. There were two Israeli guys there, and I don't remember who initiated it, but somehow we got to talking. Their names are Uri and Ofel, they also live in our dorm complex, and they're really sweet and funny. They kind of attached themselves to us! It turned out to be a good thing, because a) they know their way around and b) they are army graduates and are good at pushing through crowds. And OH MAN Ben Yehuda street! It was a different world than earlier that day! There were people doing capoeira (sp?), selling noisemakers, big inflatable squeaky hammers, cotton candy and hot dogs, and shaving cream...they use shaving cream like american kids use silly string, except it's MUCH harder to clean up when it gets on you! We were lucky enough not to get slimed, but when we finally got to the top of the street and met up with Margot, Tammy, and Leah, they said they had. So yeah, we met up with them, dithered about what to do for a while, and after much craziness ended up heading to our favorite bar, Goldy's. I ain't gonna tell you how much I/we had, cuz you don't wanna know! Suffice it to say, we had a great night. So much fun, and we got two awesome new friends out of it!
Yesterday, we slept in, then Em headed out with her friend Larissa and I stayed in and did some very necessary HW. Around 6:15, we all headed up the Kfar, where we met the other girls (Margot, Leah, and Margot's cousin Maddie) and started setting up a feast...i mean picnic :-) there was a lot of food! Pita and tuna and pasta salad and regular salad and hummus and other stuffs too. You can guess what I had! We were joined by a bunch of others who came and went, including Uri, one of our new Israelis. There was singing and chatting and general fun. When it started to rain, some people went home, and the rest of us went up to Margot's apartment, and continued to hang out and have a general good time until after 11pm. Ofel came and joined too :-D we had a lot of fun. The conversation just flowed, massages were given, wine was drunk, rugelach were finished. Good times. 

Today was a blechy 3-class day. I was zonked. no fun. made it through though...then i had a little downtime, then Aran came over and we started work on our presentation for our Art class, which we have to give on the 17th. We're talking about the Iconography of Ruth. It's quite interesting! Glad we got started though, there's a lot of text in our source article that we need to get through...Now i'm just hanging out, reading...Em's out to dinner with Margot, I may or may not go to meet up with them, depending on how lazy I am/whether i want to go out when I really don't have money to buy even one drink. :-/ we'll see. 
Adrienne is coming to Jlem this weekend, so hopefully i will get to see her one of these days! Em will be gone though this weekend, I may just hibernate. Hehe. after last weekend I think i'm allowed!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I'm Carolina from Uruguay in South America... I know it's kind of weird me posting on your blog since we don't know each other or anything. But I'm planning on doing the Spring Semester program starting on Jan of 2010 and I was looking at all the info thats on the internet and found your blog and other blogs of ppl doing it at the Hebrew University and at the Tel Aviv University as well (I'm not sure to which place from those two I'd like to go). Which is why it would be so cool for me if I could talk to someone who's doing the OSP right know, and if I could ask you some questions...
    So I'm like posting on all the blogs cuz I'd love if someone answered me and could send me an email at so I could make contact :)
    Thank you so much!!!!
